This final semester of college is an exciting yet challenging time. With new classes, learning all there is to know about the web, becoming well-connected and part of the social media world, as well as continuing my job as a reporter and anchor, it is always good to take time to stop and reflect on what is important to me and what makes me happy.
My four years at Mizzou have definitely taught me many things, among them one of the most important is to cherish the presence and support of family and friends. Being all the way from Arizona made my time at home precious these four years, and going back home to Phoenix is something I am definitely considering upon graduation. With the friendships and lasting memories I have formed here at school, Mizzou has definitely become my home away from home.
As a way for you to learn more about me, my thoughts, my hobbies and what has shaped me into the woman I am today, I would like to officially bring "Quote of the Week" to my blog.
This will give me a chance to share some of my favorite quotes, stories and thoughts as I continue to share my journalism and web experience.
Enjoy and as always...brighten up with Bonnie!
This first quote that you can see in the graphic at the top, "Dare to Dream, Dare to Fly, Dare to be the Ever Chosen One to Touch the Sky," is a good way for me to start off the semester. My adventures these next few months will have a huge impact on the start of my career and adult life. I am delving into a new realm of the journalism and communications world with my web journey. I will be learning new programs, multimedia systems, and innovative ways to stay connected with my peers, my community. I will also be focusing on my job search. With that comes new responsibility, a new place and the opportunity for new relationships and networks to blossom. Soaring through these next few months with a positive outlook of what is ahead will be the best way to navigate through these new adventures.
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